Empower touch displays and pen-based hardware

HuaweiRakuten KoboHONORDELL TechnologiesSamsungLenovo
Why choose MyScript?


MyScript software will transform your device's user experience. Cross-platform compatible, OS-agnostic and with support for over 70 languages, our solutions feel as natural and intuitive as working on paper – but with the full power of digital.

  • Privacy


    We're GDPR-compliant and our tech works offline, for enhanced accessibility.

  • Cross‑platform


    Our tech performs on a wide range of platforms and digital devices.

  • Transformative


    Integrating our tech adds real value and helps your device to stand out from the crowd.

Device expertise

We bring devices and their users closer together. AI handwriting solutions make it easier and more enjoyable to interact with anything from smart watches to car infotainment systems. Imagine the possibilities for your products.

  • Interactive displays

    Ideal for brainstorming and meetings, a smart display enabled with MyScript tech allows multiple participants to draw, write and annotate simultaneously - and everything is easily shareable at the end of a session.

  • Electronic ink devices

    MyScript tech makes marking up documents easier than ever. Let your customers make handwritten annotations that are both editable and shareable. Don't fret about latency or privacy: our software is as swift as it is secure.

  • Tablets

    Thanks to our world-beating handwriting-recognition engine, handwritten notes can be turned into professional documents in just a few taps. Save time transcribing, boost productivity and ensure all your written work is digitally connective.

  • Smartphones

    Handwriting is often the best way to write short notes, particularly if the user is hardly looking at the screen as they write. Fortunately, MyScript tech recognizes handwritten content in real-time and treats it just like typed text.

  • Smart watches

    Even a device as small as a watch can accept handwritten inputs accurately thanks to superimposed characters. And because our tech works offline, users can enjoy it anywhere, anytime.

  • Digital pens and paper

    Our technology can be embedded in electronic pens that record strokes and transcribe them onto a dedicated device: a real time-saver when it comes to signing or filling out documents.

MyScript Interactive Ink (iink) SDK

Flexible and easy APIs, ready to integrate


~ 250 symbols

Multilines and matrices

All ages/education levels


Fully responsive

Editing gestures

Formatting gestures


~ 20 connectors and shapes

All types of diagram

Interactive manipulation


100+ symbols

MyScript iink SDK supports major platforms and programming languages

Meet up with us

MyScript is a regular at key events in the industry. Let's meet up!

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